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Arizona Chapter National Safety Council

About Us


Arizona Chapter National Safety Council

The Arizona Chapter National Safety Council (ACNSC) was founded In 1949. It Is a locally controlled Arizona Not-For-profit 501(c)3 Corporation.

Mission & Vision

Our purpose is to educate and motivate people to live safer and healthier lives whether at home, work, school, play or on the highway.


Rick Murray

Rick Murray

President And CEO
Debbie Grado

Debbie Grado

Chief Operations Officer
Jennifer Tittle

Jennifer Tittle

Director Of Accounting
Davida Taube

Davida Taube

Program Services Manager
Ed Taube

Ed Taube

Workplace Services/Trainer
Alicia Tittle

Alicia Tittle

Assistant Marketing Manager
Harrison Seay

Harrison Seay

IT Personnel
Kelly McNett

Kelly Talerico

Workplace Services/Trainer
Maria Almeida

Maria Almeida

Customer Service Supervisor
Dora Sierres

Dora Sierras

Cinthia Andrade

Cinthia Andrade

Customer Service


Arizona Chapter National Safety Council takes great pride In the enormous talent And professionalism Of Each Of the instructors that facilitate all Of the programs ACNSC offers. All Of our instructors are credentialed And adhere To high level standards. From classroom training To onsite inspections, our instructors are versatile To accommodate all our members’ safety And compliance needs.

The Howard Pyle Award

In recognition Of Former Arizona Governor Pyle And his commitment To safety, Arizona Chapter National Safety Council created the Annual Governor Howard Pyle Safety Award In 1980. This award Is given Each Year To the most deserving agency, company, program Or individual making an impact upon the safety In Arizona.

Recognize And honor your key safety person, company, Or project By nominating them For the annual Howard Pyle Award. For more information, please visit our website at

Traffic Survival School (TSS) Administration

Arizona Chapter National Safety Council Is contracted To administer the ADOT/MVD Traffic Survival School Program.

Each time an individual Is convicted Or forfeits bail For a moving traffic violation, points are assessed against your permanent driving record. If an individual accumulates 8 Or more points In any 12-Month period, they may be required To attend Traffic Survival School (TSS), Or their driving privilege may be suspended up To 12 months.

All convictions For red-light/Stop-sign running, aggressive driving, moving violations resulting In death Or serious injury, And the first moving violation For drivers under 18 years Of age require successful completion Of Traffic Survival School following assignment. Failure To successfully complete Traffic Survival School when ordered will result In the suspension Of the person’s driving privilege.

 ACNSC Board Members


Timothy Vaughn
EHS Manager
Parker Aerospace

Vice Chairperson 

Michael M. Hosking


Bud Lundahl


Hal Borhauer
My Eye Investigations

Past Chairperson 

Bill Warren
Senior Loss Control Consultant
CopperPoint Insurance Companies


Armand LaCasse
HR Consultant
Employers Council


Liane Velasco-Doe
Account Manager Government & Education
Cox Communications